Ferrocene - Enabling Rust in Critical Environments

  • 17:50 - 18:15 (JST)

    • 発表言語: English

I am the project management lead of the Ferrocene project @ Ferrous Systems.

The Ferrocene project plans to release the whole codebase discussed here (including documentation material, etc.) as open source by October 4th, before the conference. This is not reflected in the public pieces because of this proposal yet, to not put undue pressure and questions on the technical team.



Florian Gilcher

Florian Gilcher

Florian Gilcher is one of the co-founders and management directors of Ferrous Systems. Previously, he was part of the Rust project, as part of the community and core team, and a co-organiser of the Rust Berlin Meetup and the RustFest conference. His current driving motiviation is bringing Rust to the industry, currently to the industries of highest assurances, for example automotive and aerospace. For that, he’s currently leading the Ferrocene project - the qualification of the Rust project to highest assurances.

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